A new function, Spider Publisher, has been implemented to create reports autonomously by extracting data that are common to all Spider projects, belonging to revisions of the datasheet. These data are extracted from a pre-defined database and they are set inside the Spider Configurator. Database tables, corresponding to the sheets that are to be exported, are created with a structure having a row for each item and a column for each item property (and some fixed columns for the project name and ID, document, revision, etc.).

Data are published within Spider section dedicated to datasheet revisions. After the publication, data can be examined inside the database.
By executing the ‘Publish to database’ command a table is created inside the destination schema and data of the current revision are published. If the table is already existing – therefore from the second publication onwards – datasheet data relating to the current revision are appended to data already existing in the table. In case of configuration modifications (adding, renaming or deleting fields), the existing table gets updated and the new requested data are appended; old data are never deleted.
Spider Publisher is part of the release No. of Spider and of the release No. of Spider Configurator. These releases include some bug fixing and other implementations, whose full list can be found in the latest
What’s New, available for download by logging into our
support portal.
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