Brand new releases of Spider ( and of SpiderConfigurator ( are now available for download from our support portal. Log in or register at and get your copy!
Many features have been implemented to make Microsoft Excel users even more comfortable with Spider, by adding Excel-like filters on GRID documents, by hiding or displaying sheet of a Spider document just like Excel does… and this is to name a few.
New tools have been added for Administrators: they can define a structured procedure for issuing a revision of one or more types of datasheet, setting the status (Prepared, Checked, Approved etc.), the sequence and roles of the users who have the right to make the acceptance workflow advance or block the revision itself.
What else? Many many more… for example, Spider document tree now displays full or empty folders depending on documents being in the folder or not.
Text cells can now pick pre-defined values from a “Suggestion list”, which can be later modified manually. On these cells, the tooltip displays the associated list name; by right-clicking and selecting “Suggestion list…” (also by pressing Alt + Arrow down) a selection window is shown, similar to the Global list cells window. A suggestion list for a particular cell can be set in SpiderConfigurator.
Formula results of an Excel sheet can now be saved in the database history and therefore they can also be published in the relevant documents of the data workflow and they will be available for calculation in plugins and report creation.
A format check is performed on dates and numbers: when these data are pasted and Spider cannot recognize the original format, a pop-up asks to insert the date format or the decimal separator in order to read the copy & paste input. This setting is kept for the whole Spider session but it can be modified in the menu command Edit → Number and date format.
Speaking of date format, also SpiderConfigurator has some check performed when converting a text format into date format; slightly different rules apply for Oracle, SqlServer and Postgres (see the full “What’s new” document for more details).
Attribute domains can now be displayed and changed in the “Modify cell” form.
Find out the rest of implementations, new features and bug fixing in the full “What’s new” document, available from our support portal (
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